100% compliance in the transport industry - Is it achievable?

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February 5, 2023

Are you struggling with a gap between policy (how you imagine it's done) vs the way your team are actually doing the work?

We’ve all had that moment when it's time to introduce a new policy, new regulation or compliance standard and we get that sinking feeling. Urgh.

• How am I going to get this across the line?

• Who is going to complain the most?

• How am I going to keep track of the uptake?

Yes, we totally understand it’s hard!

But 100% compliance in the transport industry is an achievable goal and is critical to ensuring the safety of both your drivers and others on the road.

In the transport industry, compliance refers to adhering to all regulations, standards, and policies set forth by governing bodies and includes things like (but is not limited to) compliance with hours-of-service regulations, vehicle maintenance standards, and driver qualifications.

Achieving 100% compliance is crucial for maintaining a positive reputation, avoiding fines and penalties, and reducing the risk of accidents.

However, we totally understand bridging the gap between policy and actual practice can be challenging, and requires consistent monitoring, training, and enforcement. This can be achieved through regular audits and assessments, continuous education and training programs, and implementing strict disciplinary measures for non-compliance.

Need some ideas?

Here are a few key strategies you can implement:

Establish clear policies and procedures
Clearly define what is expected of drivers and other personnel, and ensure that everyone is aware of the policies and procedures. Make it easy for people to find this, one poster on the smoko wall isn’t going to cut it.

Provide training and education
Ensure that drivers and personnel receive regular training on compliance and safety, including both classroom and hands-on training. Remember not everyone learns or retains information the same way.

Implement a robust monitoring system
Regularly monitor drivers and personnel to ensure they are following established policies and procedures, and address any non-compliance immediately. Make sure you nip anything in the bud early, it means your team know you are serious and paying attention.

Foster a culture of safety
Encourage drivers and personnel to prioritize safety, and establish a system of incentives and rewards for safe driving and compliance with policies. Everyone wants to be safe, but help them live and embody those values everyday.

Encourage communication
Foster open communication between drivers, personnel, and management, to ensure that any concerns or issues are addressed in a timely manner. Create time and space for people to ask questions if they are confused, or challenged by the rollout – find your biggest critic to ensure you get the communication right for them, and the rest will seem easy.

Be proactive
Stay ahead of industry changes and updates to regulations, and be proactive in adapting your policies and procedures to ensure continued compliance. Its easier to eat an elephant one bite at a time… right?

Continuously review and assess

Regularly review and assess your compliance efforts to identify areas for improvement, and make necessary changes to ensure 100% compliance is maintained. Always look to level-up and gamify it, to help embed it into the culture.

By working towards 100% compliance, transport companies can establish a culture of safety, reduce the risk of accidents, and ensure a positive reputation in the industry.

It's often about visibility - if you want to know more about how those policies and compliance standards are actually being implemented in your team, ask us about our Traction Programme.

It'll help shine a light on that stuff you don't see every day - reach out to kelly@successformula.co.nz or jenni@successformula.co.nz for more information.

                                                                                                                                      We are people and culture experts.                                                      
                                            Success Formula specialises in safety, culture and leadership within the transport and logistics industry in New Zealand.

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