
NZI Risk Advisors

We realised pretty early on that we would need to partner with industry leaders if we wanted to make a big difference, and reach a breadth and depth of the market. Since 2010 we have partnered with NZI, working closely developing the Traction® programme for their commercial fleet customers.


NZI Risk Advisors




Change & Culture


May 29, 2022

NZI have a dedicated national team of Risk Managers who use their expertise to help customers mitigate risk, reduce claims and give peace of mind.

NZI partnered with us because they wanted a way to better understand how their fleet risk management service and offerings could be delivered to best assist their customers. We help their customers to understand systemic issues and staff behaviours that lead to claims, incidents, over-speeds etc.

Initially the Traction® Programme just measured the culture of a company, what we call the “knowing - doing” gap, namely what polices, practices and processes do the staff know about and which ones they are actually following to highlight risk. 

In 2014 we further developed the programme with practical tools and support to help transport leaders not only understand the insights of the Traction® survey, but to practically help them to make changes with culture, change management and leadership.  


Here’s what our partner, NZI (and their customers) have to say about the Traction programme; 

Offering this programme to their customers supports the FRM team with;

Innovation: Developing unexpected / new ideas to address issues and complex challenges.

Access: greater understanding of the industry challenges and risks (through our annual Traction Industry report).

Effectiveness: program makes measurable improvements in business performance (reducing claims, unplanned repairs and maintenance, staff turnover, etc) – resulting in loyal insured customers.

“The Traction Programme has been a great tool to improve client relationships and allows the broker to become a partner in helping the client run their business.  The programme has allowed us to showcase our skills through the face to face meetings and further highlights the value of having a broker to the client.”

Specialist Transport Broker

“Traction provides us a benchmark to work from. Meaningful controls, require the right culture and attitude to be successful, and that is precisely what Traction allows us to measure.  What is exciting for me is that their own staff have identified the risks and opportunities for improvement, not an outsider, and this I believe is more meaningful for the management team. The Traction programme, provides a snapshot of a companies “soul”  and supports our Fleet Risk Management offer. We get a comprehensive view of what is going on and we can focus and prioritise to assist change management.”

Andrew Greatbatch, Manager Risk Advisory Proposition, NZI

“Success Formula takes a business on a journey, moving them from Health & Safety metrics, process and procedures to a culture of changing behaviours and actions. This results in an internal change capability which can then be extended to a culture of business integration to drive operational and customer excellence.” 

Ian Taylor, Manager Commercial Motor Vehicle and Value Propositions, NZI

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